Hidden Dangers of Needle Removal

Why You Should Leave It to the Sharps Removal Service

The sight of discarded needles, which is often associated with drug use, can be alarming and unsettling.
Many property owners, when faced with this issue, may be tempted to deal with the needle removal themselves.
But, what seems like a straight forward task, can be extremely dangerous with severe consequences.
In this article we will explore the hazards of removing needles and why it is crucial to leave this job to a professional sharps removal service.

A pile of used needles outside on some concrete.

Health Risks:

One of the most siginifcant dangers of removing needles without professional assistance is the risk to your health.
Needles, also known as sharps, can carry harmful pathogens, including bloodborne diseases.
These diseases could be HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Both HIV and hepatitis B have no cure, over time if left untreated they can cause serious health problems, or even death.
Accidental pricks and cuts while handling contaminated needles can result in serious infections.
But, sharps removal service providers such as Emergency Clean UK are equipped with the neccesary PPE and knowledge to handle these hazardous materials safely.

Legal Implications:

If you remove needles and do not follow regulations in storing/disposing them, you could face enviromental violations, health code violations or even criminal charges. Our sharps removal service/needle sweep service will store and dispose of the sharps whilst following all legal requirements. This will shield you from any potential legal troubles.

Incomplete Removal:

Another common mistake of needle removal, is incomplete removal. Needles themselves are quite small and easily missed if hidden or in hard-to-reach areas. Leaving behind just a single needle can pose an ongoing risk for yourself as the resident, or if it's a commercial property, staff/visitors.

Our professional sharps removal service utilises industry standard techniques to ensure a thorough and complete needle removal service.

Safety Protocols:

Our sharps removal service follows safety protocols to mimise risk during the removal process.
This includes wearing PPE, such as wearing puncture/cut resistant gloves, using containters for safe storage of sharps, and using proper handling and disposal methods.
Our professional sharps service technicians are trained to minimise the risk of injuries and prevent the spread of potentital infections.

Community & Enviromental Impact:

Needle removal is not just about individual safety, but it also has an impact on the broader community/enviroment.
Careless disposal can become a public health hazard, endangering children, pets and the unsuspecting public.
Moreover, improper disposal can contaminate soil/water which will affect local ecosystems.

The dangers associated with needle removal are many. Engaging in sharps removal without propery expertise or equipment is unwise and potentially hazardous. It's essential you leave this job to the professionals. Our sharps removal technicians can attend same day, have all the relevant training and equipment needed to conduct a service of this type. If you have discarded used needles in your property and need assistance, then please click the button below to view our service and get a free quote.


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