How to Prevent Flooding and Protect Your Property From Flood Damage

Flooding is a natural disaster which can wreak havoc in your property. They can cause extensive flood damage which will leave your property submerged in water.

Whether you live in an area which is prone to heavy rainfall, or near a river/coastal region. It is important to understand how to prevent flooding and protect your home from becoming a flooded property.

In this guide, we will explore effective strategies to safeguard your property against flood damage. And will provide essential tips for flood cleaning if your property is ever flooded.

A man in a hi visibility jacket standing in the middle of a flooded kitchen.

Understand Your Flooding Risk

The first step is to understand your flood risk.

This involves assessing the likelihood of your property being affected by flooding. Flood risk can vary depending on your geographical location, i.e proximity to water bodies and local climate conditions. To do this, you can:

1. Consult Flood Maps:

You can find flood maps for your area by looking at the GOV.UK website. This will help you to assess your property's vulnerability.

2. Historical Data:

Researching historical flood events in your area will give you an idea of the frequency and severity of past floods.

3. Topography:

Consider your properties elevation in relation to nearby bodies of water. If your property is low lying, it will be more susceptible to flooding.

Step One - Elevate Your Home

Elevating your home is a proactive measure which will prevent flooding and reduce flood damage.

If you have the ability, raising the foundations of the property can significantly reduce the risk of your home becoming a flooded property.

If you are in the process of building a home in a flood area, builindg on stilts or pilings would be an necessitiy.

Step Two - Install Flood Barriers and Floodwalls

Flood barriers and floodwalls are structures which are designed to keep floodwaters at bay.

Installing these protective measures around your property can be an effective way to prevent flooding and flood damage. Some options include:


These are temporary but effective. Sandbags can be strategically placed to divert floodwaters away from your property. Ensure you have an adequate supply on hand during flood season.

Floodgates and Barriers:

Permanent flood barriers and gates can be insatlled around the perimeter of your property. They can be raised or lowered as needed, this will create a protective barrier against rising floodwaters.

Step Three - Maintain Proper Drainage

Effective drainage systems are a must in preventing flooding in your property. Here are some further tips about maintaining proper drainage:

1. Clear Gutters and Downspouts:

Regularly clean and clear gutters and downspouts. This will ensure rainwater is directed away from your home's foundation.

2. Proper Grading:

Ensure your property is graded in a way that will encourage water flow away from your home. This will prevent water pooling near the foundation of your property.

3. Install a Sump Pump:

A sump pump can help remove excess water from your basement/crawl space. This will reduce the risk of your property becoming a flooded home.

Step Four - Waterproof Your Property

Waterproofing your property is a must in preventing flood damage. This invloves making your home's structure and foundation more resistant to water penetration.

Here are some key aspects to waterproofing.

1. Seal Foundation Cracks:

Inspect your foundation regularly for cracks, seal them to prevent water from seeping in.

2. Elevate Utilities:

Raise all electrical panels, HVAC systems and other utilites above base flood elevation to protect them from flood damage.

3. Use Waterproof Materials:

Consider using waterproof building materials and coatings in vulnerable areas, such as basements.

Step Five - Flood Insurance

Even with all preventive measure in place, we recommend investing in flood insurance.

Standard homeowner's insurance typically does not cover flood damage. Flood insurance can provide finacial protection during the event your property becomes flooded. Always review the policy to understand what is covered and the claims process itself.

Step Six - Act Swiftly During Flood Events

If a flood warning is issued in your area, you must act swiftly to minimize flood damage. Here are some steps to take during a flood event:

1. Evacuate if Instructed:

If locals authorities issue an evacuation order, follow it immediately.

2. Move Valuables to Higher Ground:

Move all valuable items, such as electronics, furniture, and important documents to higher levels in your home to protect them.

3. Turn Off Utilities:

Shut off gas, electricity, and water to reduce the risk of further damages.

Step Seven - Flood Cleaning and Recovery

In the unfortunate event that your property is flooded, we always recommend using a professional cleaning company to help restore your property back to it's original state.

Our team will always check your property prior to ensure for any structural damage within the property, along with any potential hazards.

The technicians will then use pumps in order to remove the flood water from your property. Any saturated carpets if salvagable can then be hotwater extracted and sanitised.

However, if it is the case that carpets and floors are not salvagable, our technicians are able to remove the floors and dispose of them for you.

Along with removal of floors, our technicians can discard of any contaiminated items that are unable to be sanitised and saved.

This then leads on to the final parts of the clean. Our trained technicians will clean and sanitise all floors and surfaces and address any mould growth within the property.

Preventing flooding and protecting your property from flood damage is an ongoing effort that requires planning, prep and vigilance.

By understanding the risk of flood in your area, installing preventive measures and keeping informed, you can significantly reduce the risk of your property becoming a flooded home.

However, if your property is flooded we are more than able to assist in the cleaning and water extraction process.

If you are currently dealing with a flooded property and are in need of assistance, please click the button below to have a look at our service.


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