What To Do If Your Basement Is Flooded

A flooded basement is a homeowner's worst nightmare. It poses significant risks to both your property and health. Whether due to heavy rains, burst pipes/plumbing issues, swift action is crucial to lessen damage.
Knowing what steps to take when facing a flooded basement can save both your property/possesions.
This guide will show you how to handle this situation effectively.

A flooded basement with 1 ft of water. It is very dirty and in need of cleaning. The items are very flood damaged.

Assess Safety and Stop the Source

Safety should be the main priority when dealing with a flooded basement.
Before entering, ensure that your power supply is turned off to prevent electrical hazards. Identify the source of flooding and if you can, prevent further water from entering your basement.

Water Extraction

Once the area is safe, you can begin removing water from your basement. For a large amount of flooding, you will need specialist equipment to remove the water. This could include a wet/dry vacuum or a submersible pump. This is not a common item to have at home, so you may need a professional water extraction service. Removing the water quickly is crucial to prevent structural damage and mould growth.
Here at Emergency Clean UK, our flood water removal service operates nationwide, 24/7. If you want to look at our service, click here.

Drying Out the Space

After water extraction, thorough drying is essential. Allow for good airflow throughout the property. If the basement is very wet, you may need the use of a drying service. Emergency Clean UK can dry your basement with industrial dehumidifiers, which will ensure removal of moisture. It's vital to remove moisture from walls, floors, and any affected items to prevent mould and mildew growth.


Floodwater can carry contaminants, posing health risks. Clean and disinfect all affected areas, including walls, floors and belongings. Use a mixture of water and a disinfectant to eliminate bacteria and pathogens.
If the area is quite large and hard to sanitise, it may be the case you need a professional sanitisation service to ensure no missed areas.
Click here to have a look at our flood cleaning service.

Waste Removal

Dispose of any damaged items, materials or debris that can't be salvaged. Be cautious during this process, wear PPE espeically when handing contaminated items.

The Need for Professional Flood Cleaning/Flood Water Removal Services

When dealing with a flooded basement, the expertise of a professional flood removal/cleaning service cannot be overstated.

Emergency Clean UK has the necessary equipment and know how to handle water extraction, drying, sanitsation and waste removal efficently. Our teams can attend same day, ensuring damage is siginificantly minismed along with health risks.

We will make the process a lot quicker and ensure a thorough service which will reduce the likelihood of problems like mould growth or structural damage.

We can handle any flood scenario, be it small or large. Our specialist equipment can deal with any flooded basement and dry out the area. We will always sanitise the space to an industry standard which can give you peace of mind.

If the flood is extensive, never conduct this process yourself. The risks are to great to both your own health and the property. We will make a a significant difference ot restoring your property to it's pre-flood condition.

In conclusion, a flooded basement requires immediate action. Following the steps above will be key in effectively managing a flooded basement. Remember, if it is too large get help from the experts. If you are in need of flood water removal or flood cleaning, click the button below to view our service.


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