Does Cigarette Smoke Stay in Walls?

Cigarette smoke and cigarette smoke odour poses serious health issues. It also leaves a lasting mark on indoor environments. The main challenge faced from continuous smoking in a property is the lingering smell of cigarette odours. Cigarette smoke can permeate through walls and surfaces and will stay there until you take measures to remove it. This article explores the question of "Does cigarette smoke stay in walls?" and explores methods for cigarette odour removal.

cigarette staining on wall

Persistence of Cigarette Odour

Cigarette smoke and cigarette smoke odour is composed of many chemicals. These chemicals are tar, nicotine, and various toxins. When someone smokes indoors, the particles will go into the air and settle on various surfaces, including your walls. Sadly, unlike other odours that will go away in time, the odour of cigarette smoke will not go away naturally.

Walls themselves are naturally absorbent surfaces, which means they will hold cigarette odours for a long time. The nicotine and other chemicals will penetrate into the plaster, plasterboard and even the paint of the wall. This makes it extremely challenging to conduct the cigarette odour removal with conventional cleaning.


Cigarette Odour Removal Techniques:

These are some techniques which are great for cigarette odour removal:

1. Chemical Washing:

Here at Emergency Clean UK, we stand by chemical washing of walls, ceilings and surfaces to get rid of the nicotine staining and in turn, the odour. We will turn the stains and the odour itself into a liquid format with the chemical wash. This can be a time consuming process, but it will yield great results.

nicotine stain elimination

2. Vinegar Solutions:

Something you can do at home if the odour isn't bad and staining isn't extreme is use vinegar solutions. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water and use a sponge to wipe down the walls. The acidic nature of vinegar will help break down the smoke odour compounds in the cigarette smoke. Please note, the result you will get from this might not be great for heavily stained walls with a severe cigarette odour.

Vingear solution odour removal

3. Ozone Treatment:

Emergency Clean UK makes use of an industry standard technique with Ozone machines. This machine works by reacting with the odour molecules in the air, transfering the extra oxygen molecule of the ozone to the odour molecule. This cancels out the smell and is one of the best ways to rid a property of cigarette odours. This process only works with the chemical wash, as the chemical wash will get rid of the root cause of the odour.

Ozone odour removal

4. Baking Soda Absorption:

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer. Sprinkle it onto your walls and let it sit over night. Wipe it or vacuum it away afterwards. This can help absorb some lingering odours if they are not too severe.

Baking soda odour removal

In conclusion, cigarette smoke can stay in your walls, creating an unpleasant environment. Yet, with some home remedies for less severe odours, or the use of a professional odour removal service, you can remove the odour from your home. If you are in need of professional cigarette odour removal, please do not hesitate to click the button below to look at our service.


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