How To Clean Human Faeces

Dealing with human faeces is not an ideal task, but we will all do it at some point. Knowing how to clean human faeces properly is essential to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of bacteria. In this article, we will provide a straight forward guide on how to clean human waste safely and efficiently. This will be done in six steps, which are:

  1. Gather PPE.

  2. Protect Yourself.

  3. Remove Solid Human Waste.

  4. Soak Up Liquid Waste.

  5. Clean Surfaces.

  6. Wash Your Hands.


The Steps of Cleaning Human Waste

Step 1 - Gather The Necessary Supplies:

Before you start, make sure you have the correct chemicals and PPE. For tools and chemicals will need a broad spectrum bleach, kitchen towel, sponges a mop and bucket and a scraper and bags. For PPE we recommend gloves, goggles and a face mask, this may seem like overkill but human waste is very dangerous and can make you quite sick. Human waste can kick up airborne bacteria, which means you can inhale it, do not skip the mask.

Cleaning equipment

Step 2 - Protect Yourself:

You've gathered your equipment, now put on your PPE. This step is crucial and should never be skipped, no matter how much waste there is. The amount of diseases that can be transferred via human poop is vast and some can be deadly. Always protect yourself.

Human waste PPE

Step 3 - Remove The Solid Human Waste:

If the faeces is solid or dried, use your scraper to either lift up the whole piece itself, or scrape of the dried waste from the affected area. Ensure you do not grind the faeces into the area even more, as this could damage the surface. Transfer the faeces into a bag and seal it. Make sure you dispose of the human waste in the correct waste container.


Step 4 - Soak Up Liquid Waste:

If the faeces is in a liquid form, use your kitchen towel to soak up as much of it as possible. Any soiled kitchen towel place into a plastic bag and seal it tightly. If there is a large amount of liquid waste, another way you could tackle this is with an absorbent mop. Dispose of the mop head upon completion of soaking.

kitchen towel

Step 5 - Clean The Surface:

Once you have removed either the solid human waste or liquid human waste (or both), clean the affected area. Use your powerful sanitiser to kill any remaining bacteria or viruses. Make sure you do a thorough job, anything missed could be harmful to yourself, loved ones or the public who use your property. Pay attention to the floors, walls and any nearby objects that may have been contaminated. A good rule of thumb is to clean a wide area, even if it hasn't been affected by the waste, just so you can be sure.

surface cleaning

Step 6 - Wash Your Hands

After completing the cleaning process and disinfecting the area, it's time to wash your hands. Remove your gloves and wash them thoroughly with warm water and soap. Proper hygiene is crucial to prevent the spreading of bacteria and to protect yourself.

washing hands

Our Human Faeces Cleaning Service

And you are done! Cleaning faeces may be a horrible task, but with the right method and precautions you can do it correctly and minimise the health risks. But, if this is something you really do not want to do (which we can understand why completely), maybe you could give Emergency Clean UK a call to get a free quotation. Our service is an emergency service, meaning we aim to get to your property and conduct the clean the same day, making sure your home is safe and bacteria free.

Click the button below to view our service and get yourself a free quotation.


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