How To Clean Pigeon Guano


Pigeons are pests that are plentiful in urban areas. Pigeon droppings (known as pigeon guano) can pose health risks and create mess. Cleaning pigeon guano is a must, not only because it does not look nice, but also because it can spread disease and damage structures. This comprehensive guide will explain in 5 simple steps to remove pigeon droppings. These steps are 1. Wear PPE, 2. Wet the pigeon droppings, 3. Remove the guano, 4. Continue cleaning, 5. Dispose of the waste. Read on below for more detail.

Understanding the Risks of Pigeon Waste:

As stated above, we clean pigeon guano because it is dangerous, not just because it does not look nice. It holds harmful pathogens and fungi. Histoplasmosis and Cryptococcosis are just two of the diseases that you can catch from bird droppings. If you are interested about the dangers of pigeon guano, click here. Large amounts of pigeon poop should be cleaned by professionals. If you feel like this job is beyond your capabilities, click the button below to get a free quotation.

Pigeon waste

Pigeon Guano Cleaning Guide:

Tools and Materials:

Before getting started with the cleaning process, you will need these tools:

  1. PPE: Gloves, P3 filtered mask and eye protection.

  2. Scraper: You’ll need a small scraper.

  3. Shovel: If there’s a large amount.

  4. Dust pan: If there’s a small amount.

  5. Sanitiser: This is the most important item ot have.

  6. Bags: Ideally ones that you can seal.

Cleaning Process:

Step 1 - Safety First:

Put on your PPE before starting any form of biohazard cleaning. This will minimise your risk of exposure to harmful substances.


Step 2 - Wet the Pigeon Droppings:

Begin by wetting the waste with a santisier. The reason we wet the waste is to stop the dried pigeon guano dust becoming airborne. When the dust is airborne, it is easy for you to inhale it or for it to go into your eyes. This is not ideal, as this is the quickest way to become sick from pigeon droppings.

sanitiser spray tool

Step 3 - Removal of Guano:

Once the pigeon poop is wet, you can begin to scrape it up from the surface and bag it. This is the quickest and safest way to remove the majority of the pigeon guano.

wooden scraper

Step 4 - Further Cleaning:

Once you have removed the majority of the pigeon droppings, you will want to use your sanitiser again. You will go over areas that were affected by pigeon guano, ensuring there are no remnants. The rule of thumb is to sanitise as much of an area as possible, to kill all bacteria.

cleaning spray

Step 5 - Pigeon Droppings Waste Disposal:

The final step is to dispose of the pigeon droppings themselves. Luckily this is not classed as biohazardous waste, so it can be taken to landfill.

black bags

Cleaning pigeon guano is a task that requires a bit of know how and safety procedures. Always wear PPE when cleaning pigeon guano and always wet the waste. We cannot stress enough that wetting the waste is one of the most important parts of the clean. If you are worried about the dangers of pigeon guano when conducting the clean, we would recommend hiring professionals such as Emergency Clean UK. We can offer you a free quotation for professional pigeon guano cleaning, no job is to big or to small. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click the button below to view our service.


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